We Switched to Next-Generation Image Format WebP, JPEG2000!

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  • We Switched to Next-Generation Image Format WebP, JPEG2000!
Yeni Nesil Resim Formati WebP JPEG2000e Gecis Yaptik

Although websites are generally text-oriented, the images we use on our websites have always been an important problem. This problem sometimes appears as quality and sometimes as size. Large images cause the website to load slowly and late while they hurt the website in terms of user experience. Here, next-generation image formats WebP and JPEG 2000 can be a great savior. These next-generation image formats reduce the size of images without compromising their quality. We have integrated these next-generation file formats (WebP and JPEG 2000) into our products. Let’s check these image formats together.

What Is WebP?

WebP is a modern image file format developed by Google in 2010. Its purpose is to offer higher performance by providing smaller and faster images for websites. Image dimensions of WebP format are smaller than other image formats but offer the same quality. In short, using WebP means that your website will run faster, and you need fewer data storage.

webp jpeg2000 karsilastirma

How small is WebP? According to Google’s own data, WebP is 26% smaller than PNGs and 25-34% smaller than JPEGs. The compression of WebP images is based on the estimation of pixels from surrounding blocks. This allows the format to use pixels multiple times in a single file. WebP format also supports animated images, and it is expected to support more features in the future.

Which Browsers Support WebP?

Popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Edge have supported the WebP file format for years. Recently, Safari also announced that it supports WebP.

Hangi Tarayicilar WebPyi Destekliyor

What Is JPEG 2000?

JPEG 2000 is an image format that uses recent compression techniques based on wavelet technology and offers extremely high scalability and accessibility.

JPEG2000 Features

  • It has algorithms for lossless compressing files.
  • It offers scalability in both resolution and quality.
  • JPEG 2000 can compress images 20 percent to 200 percent more than JPEG.
  • It offers better efficiency in compression (including 48-bit color depth support).
  • It is supported by all browsers.


Considering the great impact of WebP and JPEG2000 file formats on loading times, they are quite useful both in terms of SEO and the space they occupy in the servers. As DIJI.TECH, we received quite positive feedback from our customers when we add these file formats to our flight ticket software and bus ticket software solutions. There was a significant increase in Google Web Vitals and page load times of our customers. Moreover, their file sizes reduced while the quality remained the same.

You can have these features and dozens of similar features for free with Flight Ticket Software and Bus Ticket Software.